( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function find() on bool in /data/socalgraph.io/app/code/local/Blackbox/HelpDesk/Helper/Data.php on line 17
( ! ) Error: Call to a member function find() on bool in /data/socalgraph.io/app/code/local/Blackbox/HelpDesk/Helper/Data.php on line 17
Call Stack
10.0000379888{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003389968Mage::run( $code = '', $type = 'store', $options = ??? ).../index.php:82
30.0006422040Mage_Core_Model_App->run( $params = ['scope_code' => '', 'scope_type' => 'store', 'options' => []] ).../Mage.php:694
40.13431465800Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front->dispatch( ).../App.php:381
50.13531483496Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard->match( $request = class Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http { protected $_originalPathInfo = '/support/ticket'; protected $_storeCode = NULL; protected $_requestString = '/support/ticket'; protected $_rewritedPathInfo = NULL; protected $_requestedRouteName = NULL; protected $_routingInfo = []; protected $_route = 'helpdesk'; protected $_directFrontNames = ['api' => '']; protected $_controllerModule = 'Blackbox_HelpDesk'; protected $_isStraight = FALSE; protected $_beforeForwardInfo = []; protected $_internallyForwarded = FALSE; protected $_paramSources = [0 => '_GET', 1 => '_POST']; protected $_requestUri = '/support/ticket'; protected $_baseUrl = ''; protected $_basePath = ''; protected $_pathInfo = '/support/ticket'; protected $_params = []; protected $_rawBody = NULL; protected $_aliases = []; protected $_dispatched = TRUE; protected $_module = 'support'; protected $_moduleKey = 'module'; protected $_controller = 'ticket'; protected $_controllerKey = 'controller'; protected $_action = 'index'; protected $_actionKey = 'action' } ).../Front.php:172
60.13591539392Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->dispatch( $action = 'index' ).../Standard.php:254
70.16851906288Blackbox_HelpDesk_TicketController->indexAction( ).../Action.php:418
80.16851906664Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->loadLayout( $handles = ???, $generateBlocks = ???, $generateXml = ??? ).../TicketController.php:20
90.21221957464Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action->generateLayoutBlocks( ).../Action.php:269
100.21221957560Mage_Core_Model_Layout->generateBlocks( $parent = ??? ).../Action.php:344
110.22994243016Mage_Core_Model_Layout->generateBlocks( $parent = class Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element { public $@attributes = ['name' => 'content']; public $block = class Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element { public $@attributes = [...] } } ).../Layout.php:210
120.22994243672Mage_Core_Model_Layout->_generateBlock( $node = class Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element { public $@attributes = ['type' => 'helpdesk/customer_ticket_list', 'name' => 'helpdesk.ticket.list', 'template' => 'blackbox/helpdesk/customer/ticket/list.phtml'] }, $parent = class Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element { public $@attributes = ['name' => 'content']; public $block = class Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element { public $@attributes = [...] } } ).../Layout.php:205
130.22994243832Mage_Core_Model_Layout->addBlock( $block = 'helpdesk/customer_ticket_list', $blockName = 'helpdesk.ticket.list' ).../Layout.php:239
140.22994243832Mage_Core_Model_Layout->createBlock( $type = 'helpdesk/customer_ticket_list', $name = 'helpdesk.ticket.list', $attributes = ??? ).../Layout.php:472
150.22994243832Mage_Core_Model_Layout->_getBlockInstance( $block = 'helpdesk/customer_ticket_list', $attributes = [] ).../Layout.php:437
160.23004267376Mage_Core_Block_Abstract->__construct( $args = [] ).../Layout.php:491
170.23004267376Varien_Object->__construct( [] ).../Abstract.php:202
180.23014267752Blackbox_HelpDesk_Block_Customer_Ticket_List->_construct( ).../Object.php:112
190.23404909688Blackbox_HelpDesk_Model_Resource_Ticket_Collection->addCustomerFilter( $customer = class Mage_Customer_Model_Customer { protected $_eventPrefix = 'customer'; protected $_eventObject = 'customer'; protected $_errors = []; protected $_attributes = NULL; protected $_addresses = NULL; protected $_addressesCollection = NULL; protected $_isDeleteable = TRUE; protected $_isReadonly = FALSE; protected $_cacheTag = 'customer'; protected $_resourceName = 'customer/customer'; protected $_resource = NULL; protected $_resourceCollectionName = 'customer/customer_collection'; protected $_dataSaveAllowed = TRUE; protected $_isObjectNew = NULL; protected $_data = ['website_id' => '1']; protected $_hasDataChanges = TRUE; protected $_origData = NULL; protected $_idFieldName = 'entity_id'; protected $_isDeleted = FALSE; protected $_oldFieldsMap = []; protected $_syncFieldsMap = [] } ).../List.php:11
200.23414923272Blackbox_HelpDesk_Helper_Data->getZendeskRequesterId( $customer = class Mage_Customer_Model_Customer { protected $_eventPrefix = 'customer'; protected $_eventObject = 'customer'; protected $_errors = []; protected $_attributes = NULL; protected $_addresses = NULL; protected $_addressesCollection = NULL; protected $_isDeleteable = TRUE; protected $_isReadonly = FALSE; protected $_cacheTag = 'customer'; protected $_resourceName = 'customer/customer'; protected $_resource = NULL; protected $_resourceCollectionName = 'customer/customer_collection'; protected $_dataSaveAllowed = TRUE; protected $_isObjectNew = NULL; protected $_data = ['website_id' => '1']; protected $_hasDataChanges = TRUE; protected $_origData = NULL; protected $_idFieldName = 'entity_id'; protected $_isDeleted = FALSE; protected $_oldFieldsMap = []; protected $_syncFieldsMap = [] } ).../Collection.php:32